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Showing posts from January, 2020

Get to know Double Gender Closer

Double or ambiguous genitalia is a rare condition in which the appearance of a newborn's genital organs is unclear, whether female or male. Double sex is not a disease, but rather a disorder of the development of sexual organs that affects the sexual development of children. Double sex is not always immediately recognized by pregnancy examination or immediately after the baby is born. To ascertain the sex of the baby with multiple sexes, the doctor requires further examination after delivery. Why Does Double Gender Occur? This condition can be known through many terms, such as ambiguous genitalia, hermaphrody, or intersex. In general, a baby is called having multiple sex if: Having ovaries and testicles with external genitalia that are not clear, whether male or female. Having an ovary and external genitalia shape that resembles a penis. Having external female genitals (including vulva) and undescended testicles (so the testicular sac does not contain testicles). Double ...